Tom and I spotted Santa yesterday afternoon. Our presents were opened, it was a crisp, bright day, so we jumped in the Mustang and took a drive up into Angeles National Forest.
As for gifties, Santa did bring me with a copy of Boho Baby Knits, which I've been coveting since it came out this fall. It's full of adorable patterns!
Under them you can see our Christmas tree skirt. When I learned to crochet eight? nine? years ago, it was the first project I completed after twelve billion dishcloths for practice. Made out of unknown brand ack!rylic, we use it every year. It's a humble connection to women's work through the centuries: the families we form, the food we serve, the homes we warm, the gifts we make and give selflessly to those we care about and love. Every time I take it out and lay it under the tree I rejoice in this connection, and the world shines a little brighter.
Merry, merry to all! And to all a kick ass crafty 2008!