In a quirky life moment, this past winter Tom was approached by a guy in Iowa about a job. It was
this close to happening; at the eleventh hour Tom's bosses here countered with an offer we couldn't refuse, though, and we ended up staying put. Tom did fly out to Waverly, Iowa, and interview however, and before he went I decided he needed a hat to keep him warm. So I knit him seven. You know, just in case.
The winner of the bunch turned out to be Alex Zorn's
Hot Head from the first
Stitch 'n' Bitch.

It fits Tom to a tee, and, knit out of humble Lamb's Pride Bulky, is a cheap, quick project. He liked the first - knit in the hot rod flame colors as the pattern suggests - so much that I made him a true blue second. (Rav project page
Third up is Brenda Zuk's
Seaman's Cap.

For it I used some Elsebeth Lavold Classic AL nabbed on sale from Webs. As alpaca does, it made a super soft, super warm hat which has seen lots of use on chilly mornings. (Rav project page
Fourth up is Jen Showalter's
Samaras Hat.

Knit with some of my fave yarn, Lotus Yarns Nirvana Worsted in Fascination Street (black with deep purple flecks). This basic hat sports a deep ribbed brim. (Rav project page
Fifth up is Angelina Fagan's
Pro Bono.

The yarn, Classic Elite Ariosa, is super delish, but grew too much after its bath, resulting in a hat a tad too big for even Tom's 24" noggin. (Who swatches for hats?) This one's a do-over on a smaller needle. (Rav project page
Sixth up is Staceyjoy Elkin's
Marsan Watchcap.

This one was tricky. First, the pattern runs way small. Way. After a couple of false starts I checked my gauge, was spot on, and went ahead with a 97-stitch cast on...ending up with a hat that barely fit my 20.5" head. Huh. Second, and I feel like a big baby saying so, the twisted ribbing hurt my hands. The pattern itself is simple, and has a cool spiral decrease crown, so I want to try it again - when I'm not feeling wimpy - on a larger needle with more stitches. (Rav project page
Seventh and last is Whitney Van Nes's
Whitney's 70's Ski Hat.

*Sigh.* I adjusted the numbers up for Tom's big head. Shouldn't have. Negative ease kicked my ass, resulting in a humongous failure.
See the cashmere lining?
This one's also a do-over when we get our ski chalet in the Alps. (Rav project page
* * *
The finger is still fucked, still painful. I popped into the doc this morning for confirmation of this fact, and the tech who x-rayed me was some crazy drummer who riffed on how he kept breaking his digits on his snare drum. I kept my witty retorts to myself, and hope I never do something this stupid again. Next week physical therapy (probably) starts. Man, do you have any idea how much I wish I'd broken my middle finger instead?
On the turntable: Chris Isaak ~
Mr. Lucky
It's a hat parade! I can't pick out which one I like better.
Jeff is working in Montana this week. He says it's cold. Maybe I should whip up a hat for him? Hmm.
hat parade is right! What a great selection to chose from.
Hope that finger starts healing up quickly.
Wow! You certainly would have been ready for an Iowa winter! I'm very glad that you two will be staying in Sunny SoCal!
Maybe you can gift the extra hats this coming Xmas?
Love the hat parade, esp the variety. What's the difference between the Seaman's Cap and Samaras Hat? They kinda look the same to me. I still love the '70's ski hat even if it is too big. It definiely needs a reknit *before* any trip to the Alps. For the millionth time, I am SO glad you're staying. Sorry your finger is still owie. We miss you and your knittin'!
when global warming sends a cold snap California's way, Tom is SO prepared!
now we just need to get your knitting appendages back in working order so the big freeze doesn't leave YOU out in the cold ;)
Nice hat parade! I must admit, the vision of you typing with your broken finger up in the air kinda made me giggle.....I know, I'm evil.
So guess you're gonna have to do some major snow adventures come this winter to use all those warm hats. I'm glad you're staying in sunny SoCal and send you bestest wishes!!
Holy hat parade, batman! Those are great - we've encountered the too big for humans problem at our house, too...
I hope your finger heals quickly - ouch!
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