Thank you, everyone, for your kind comments about my eye situation. It was super hard to 'fess up about it. Now that I have, your caring and acceptance of the possibility of endless miles of stockinette - and maybe garter stitch, too - in the days to come have deeply touched my heart. I'm sending each and every one of you big virtual bear hugs. And air kisses. 'Coz that's how we roll in LA, don'tcha know? Hehe.
Now, time to catch up with what I've been knitting. I have several FOs to show off this week! The first is a knitdevilish combo for a knitting friend's new baby. She's vehemently anti-pastel, and very rock n roll. I hope the color combo tickles her fancy.
Rock n Roll BlankiePattern: Fluffiest Baby Blanket from
Greetings from Knit CafeYarn: ggh
Esprit in color 4 Black - 4 skeins; Patons Cha Cha in Siren - half a skein at the most
Needle: US 10 1/2 and any ole crochet hook
Mods: None
Rating: Business up front, party in the back

Ever have a stash yarn you don't know what to do with? So you log onto
Ravelry, and do a search of what patterns other knitters have made with it? Well, this is exactly how this blanket came to be. The Esprit was one of my oldest stash yarns (from 2004); it was destined to be a crocheted scarf (the Fun Fur Scarf from
Vogue Knitting on the Go: Crocheted Scarves, to be exact), but I couldn't see the stitches well enough to crochet with it. I'm not sure how it survived culling, but during the latest (as I was prepping for the crafty
garage sale Marie hosted a few weeks ago), I unearthed it again. I picked it up. So soft! And then, somehow, I'd sat down at the computer and discovered this blanket pattern. As Catwoman says, Purrrrfect.
Once the blankie was done, I knew it needed a little something extra to go with it. I'd just bought this skein of WOTA at our garage sale, and once again it was Ravelry to the rescue.
Lil' Devil Baby HatPattern:
Lil' Devil Baby Hat by K. Schmidt
Yarn: Knit Picks Wool of the Andes in Red - 1 skein
Needle: US 7
Mods: Knit the horns separately and whip stitched 'em into place
Rating: Wicked cute! (do check out the Ravelry pics - there are some adorable imps modeling their red hats)
That's it for today. Tune in tomorrow for the perfect accessory for a bankrobber.
cute cute, love the little devil and that blankey looks so soft and comfy. thanks for the congrats on my book :)
Oh! So that's what you do with old Cha Cha yarn!!! Divinly devilish. The baby will love it. Hail, Hail Ravelry!
Those are adorable together, Madge!!
You promised me NO MUPPET FUR!!! Just kidding, this is the cutest baby set EVER! I love the non-traditional in your faced-ness of it :)
Holy crap! I better get rockin and rollin on finishing those booties! The blankie and hat are devilishly stylin!
OH, that lil' devil hat is fantastic!!
Big air kisses back atcha mwah mwah
Oh these baby items are so quick, I love the little devil hat and the blanket looks super soft and warm. What a lucky baby :)
Sorry not sure why I typed "quick" meant to say "cute" really must remember to re-read my typing before I send it, in future :)
That is a fantastic combo! I love the black and red blankie it looks fuzzy and soft too. :)
OMG!! How freakin cute is that hat!!! And that blankie, I just want to bury my face in it.
You are so right about the Ravelry thing. I find the feature of looking up what others are doing with a specific yarn the most used and most valuable to me.
Oh I LOVE that hat - great colours you chose for the combo. What a hip baby it'll be ;)
I've found some great stuff on Ravelry that I wouldn't have found otherwise and the FOs give you a much better idea of how it will really turn out......
Loser yarn makes winner project! Perfect gift from the knitdevil herself!
dude, that is awesome! i was thinking about making the devil hat and the devil pants. would that be devil overkill? heehee.
Cute! I love that lil' devil hat!
OMG! I *love* the devil hat! :D
love love love the blanket and devil hat - that's so rock n roll!
love the little red horns!
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