For me, knitting-wise, this year's tune has been a Cal Tjader mambo. Upbeat, lively, its percussion got my fingers moving and its vibes added soul to every stitch I made. Here are the highlights:
1. The Knitting Olympics - What a blast to connect with other knitters around the world and learn a new technique at the same time. Several of the women in my knitting group also participated; three of us learned to knit lace by making knitty's Branching Out scarf.

This fall I also joined the Lacevember KAL, which was also a great KAL. Already I'm looking forward to next year.
4. Knitdevil - After six months (!) of hemming and hawing, I finally began blogging in September. Now I can't believe I didn't do it earlier, as it's become such a big part of my knitting world. And friends - thanks for reading, leaving comments, and enriching my life. It's good to know ya.
5. Pasadena Daytimers SnB - While our knitting group disbanded this fall, it was great fun while it lasted. I learned a lot and laughed even more. Thanks, knitsisters.

A few other musical notes - I finished my first adult sweater, and am tickled that it fits me. I'm learning how to make socks. I'm over my Kid Silk Haze crush. I knit a bunch of stuff for my sister and a poncho for my niece. I learned how to dye with Kool Aid. I tallied up my stash, and realized I have way too much Jo Sharp Kid Comfort but not nearly enough worsted weight wool. I bought a spinning wheel. My one UFO from this year is a Jess Hutch toy; all it needs is its arms and legs. I fell in love with handdyed sock yarn. I swatched for five sweaters, and none of them worked out well enough for me to start knitting them. Felting is comforting. I crocheted a baby blanket.
And now, time to move on. Happy 2007! May the music it brings be your favorite song.