1) Been attacked by another yucky germ. Of the stomach variety. Ugh. Better now, but the weekend was rough.
2) Started knitting again on Gothic Leaf. I'm on the fourth and last skein of Euroflax, and it's finally beginning to look stole-ish. Hopefully it'll be finished in the next week.
3) Gone from this -
4) Watched a pretty good heist movie. Face, with Robert Carlyle and Ray Winstone. Tom and I love heist movies, and this one stayed taut and had some twists at the end that made it enjoyable. To keep the heist theme going, I picked up Lemons Never Lie by Richard Stark. Hard Case Crime reissued this gem last summer, and I'm enjoying rereading it...how can you go wrong with a sociopath actor who just wants to put on summer stock and needs some cash to do so?
5) Staved off serious cast-on cravings for several projects while I finish Gothic Leaf and work on a stealth project. My resolve was good, but then Mary cast on her Lenores. I'm hunting for my dpns today.
* * *
Fiend is 99% healed. He still has a little scab on his jaw, but is otherwise back to his bouncy, freaky self. He's once again mostly outdoors, and happy as a clam in his bed on our front porch. Thanks again for all your well wishes for the little guy.
Wow - lots of ground to cover :) Hope your tummy is better now! Bummer about Cobble. Darn. The style does seem to look good even very baggy. Glad to hear Fiend is well on the mend too!
"rip-it" is my middle name. It's always better to rip and make the correct size, otherwise Cobblestone will just end up in the drawer forever. So, big deal, it won't be done this winter. There's always next year!
Glad you're feeling better.
Cobbie makes me sad. I'll think some good last thoughts for the Cobble that was. Fine WIP. Its beautiful color brought a smile to our face everytime we saw it. RIP. There, okay to move along now. Lenores? You know you want to.
WooHoo, Gothics getting some loving. Maybe you'll motivate me to get back to mine.
You did the right thing with Cobblestone. I know it was probably painful, but sometimes love hurts. Man, I love that blue color!!
Glad Fiend is doing well. Oh, and what restraint you have had with not casting on those Lenores....I'm impressed.
Oh! That is too sad about Cobblestone. At least you discovered it now and not even farther into the sweater...
The color is so nice though; it will really be an awesome sweater when it's done!
I feel ya. Gonna have to rip a Cobblestone myself (too big!). Maybe we'll have to add that to the KAL list?
Mary's sucked me in too. I wound my Lenore yarn into a cake. That's always the first step down the rabbit hole.
I'm sorry to hear about the cobblestone! That really sucks.
Acck I hope you're recovering from that stomach bug!
sorry about going to the frog pound!! You where going to well. Lenore here we come!
Bummer that you were sick. Hope you're a lot better now. Sorry about having to rip Cobble. That color is gorgeous. You have good taste my friend.
I was thinking about making Cobble for Jeff in (dare I say it?).....Black Water Abbey. I know your feelings on this. But I have 2sweaters' worth of yarn. I have to make something.
Well, RIP Cobblestone, and yay for Fiend healing. Now you can cast on again for Cobble Deux, and my vote is go up 2 sizes. You can always give Tom extra chips and beer if it's too big! I guess I'd better hunt out my Lenore pattern and yarn, and get crackin' on that too. I'm such a follower. Baaaa!
Sorry to hear you've been poorly again and hope you're lots better now :)
No fun when you're tummy is dodgy is it?
Glad Fiend is back to his usual self.
Sorry to hear about Cobblestone & hope the next go works out great ;)
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