Thank you, everyone, for your enthusiastic comments about what project I should cast on. The majority vote went to the Central Park Hoodie, so I whipped out my trusty Addis and went to swatch on Saturday. And, wonder of wonders, I got gauge on US 7s. This officially breaks the Great Sweater Curse of 2006, when I attempted umpteengazillion sweater swatches and couldn't get gauge on a single one. (We shall not speak of modifying sweater patterns. I am fickle. And lazy. And wasn't up to the task at the time. Thank goodness there are other things to knit, or I would've been carted off to the crazy house.)

So, after confirming (and reconfirming - that curse
has made me a little skittish) that yes, my swatch really did have 4.25 stitches to an inch, I got busy online. Errata page? Check. How about a
KAL? Check. (It lists the pattern corrections, too.) I signed up for it, and read that several people say the pattern runs on the small size. To compensate, I'm knitting the largest size (48"), since I'm suburban, middle-aged (read: my ass is as large as Texas), and wanted it to be more of a coat than a sweater. Then I got busy.

I knit all morning yesterday. And, after time out at an evening class with
Patty to learn how to knit continental (phase one of my Learning to Fair Isle program), I returned home and knit until 2 am. At which point I had to rip back four rows to fix a snagged stitch (even using Addis the two-ply Black Water Abbey is splitting on me), so I uncrossed my eyes and did a rough measurement before trundling off to bed. Take heed, those of you who are thinking of doing this pattern, because the KALers who have gone before do not lie! It My gauge is correct, but I should have gone down only one needle size for the ribbing instead of the two in the pattern, because I'll be blocking the heck out of this puppy. But see that first set of cables? Gotta keep knitting.
As for the yarn, I'm having mixed feelings. On the con, it's stiff to work with, and my 2x2 ribbing came out wonky no matter how hard I tugged on my stitches. Definitely more rustic and homemade than I was hoping it would look. On the plus, my swatch did soften after washing, so hopefully the ribbing looks better after washing/blocking. I absolutely love the color. And the pattern, it's so easy! Perfect knitting circle/tv knitting, and a wonderful foil to my sister's Flower Basket Shawl I plan on casting on today. (As for Adamas, the third pattern I was considering, I'm holding off for now.)
P.S. This just in! Pure Knits just announced a
Yarntini sock club. What a way to spend your summer!
12 comments: were in the knitting trance weren't you? 2am?
And isn't rib always a tad wonky?
Am following hoodie progress with interest...
Oh honey - not Texas - not at all!!
Ribbing is always a bit off - isn't there some trick about purling one of the stitches in each or one rib through the back loop to make it lay better? I know there is - I don't know the particulars though. I bet a good soak with righten it right up.
And oh yeah BAYBEE - Yarntini Sock Club here I come (went, actually)!
The color is terrific! I do understand about getting into such a roll that 2am is there before you know it. You go, girl! About the ribbing, honey, no one is going to look at it that closely, unless you decide to enter it into the LA County Fair! It's 'handmade', not machine-perfect.
Sock Club, hmm? Veerrrryy tempting. Oh, drat, I have so much sock yarn already, and so many lovely patterns. Nah, not this one. Maybe next year's STR, d'ya think??
Oh, just like you to taunt your cast on CPH at me! I am green with envy. It looks terrific though. How will I ever catch up? I just won't, I know it. Texas? Texas?? Texas, my a$$!! Hardly. Gotta go check out Yarntini now. sigh.
Knit like the wind girl!! Your progress is amazing! and your swatch looks yummy, can't wait for the FO. I LOVE this color, green is my fav.
My stash thanks you for the heads up on the Yarntini club, my wallet however is very upset with you!
Hey! The hoodie looks great so far. Don't worry about wonky ribbing. Remember, it's gonna be stretched when you're wearing the sweater!!! Ha!
At SW, Sally Mellville told us about the wonders of soaking your sweater in Eucalan soap before wearing. Something about the eucalyptus and the lanolin that makes the wool relax and behave. Must try some, if I can only get away from knitting with acrylic!!!
I love the color too!
I knit continental (always have). I'm telling you, it'll change your life. You will knit like the wind!
Curses be damned. LOL
Haha, what a terrific post! Dude, I always have to rip back when I stay up knitting. It's some wierd-ass irony!
This is going to be so absolutely beautiful! What a great yarn you're using - I certainly adore the "rustic look" it gives, and the colour is sooo beautiful! And what could be better than having a KAL ready to get inspiration, pattern corrections and help if needed? I'm missing an "Avast"-KAL these days!
Happy knitting, my friend, I can't wait to see many more progress shots!
I love the color you picked for the CPH. As for the ribbing dilemma. I think it happens because of the change in the dirction of the yarn going from a knit stitch to a purl stitch. It's always the last knit stitch just before the purl stitch. You can try knitting that stitch a little tighter than you normally would or there's the knitting into the back of a stitch, but I have to look that one up again. It's a little more involved.
The fair isle class I took at Stitches was my favorite. I'll share my handouts with you. Two-handed knitting is more fun than I thought it would be!
Go, Madge, Go!
Hi, I just want to introduce myself. My name is Shameka, a fellow CPH KALer. I was excited about the yarntini sock club. However, I just checked, and it is all sold out. Dang!!! :-/
Your progress is wonderful, and the color is very beautiful. Keep up the great work.
I just started the front pieces (knitting both at the same time). Knitting on the bus is as lethal as knitting till 2 AM. I had to take out 6 rows of one side, and then was paranoid about the length of both sides matching again. But I am out of the danger zone, and it is on to the next cable row. Hooray!!!
This will block out much better - the Blackwater abbey yarn blooms a lot when washed - things will even out, relax a bit.
As for sizing -- I found the sweater knit to size -- ie the pieces were the size the pattern said, if you knit to gauge. BUT, the silhouette is narrow. So, do check the dimensions of the pieces you're making and compare with the sizing of something you like.
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