1. I love hand-dyed yarn.
2. I love getting stuff in the mail. Especially hand-dyed yarn.
3. I love a good theme.
4. Some day soon the mischievous Sockie shall sprinkle me with pixie dust, and I shall be the stuff of sock knitting legend.
5. I can, from time to time, be somewhat delusional.
Rockin' Sock Club from Blue Moon Fiber Arts
Reason for joining: Being part of the STR experience.
Pros: The STR experience is amazing. The club-centric yarn colorways and the patterns written expressly for the sock club yarns by known designers make this club a class act. Throw in the binder you receive with your first yarn, along with the obligatory swag (a bumper sticker and a 10% off coupon and a website for club members), and you're not only a satisfied customer, you're part of a community.
Cons: The website. It's tricky to navigate. Plus, chicken humor? Not my scene.
Personal thoughts: Yep, I'm satisfied. I'm also hoping for less shtick, brighter colorways in the months to come.
Would I join again? Maybe, but probably not.
Mama E's C*Eye*ber Fiber Project Spectrum Sock Club
Reason for joining: Project Spectrum
Pros: Groovy PS colorways in different Mama E sock yarns
Personal thoughts: Bare bones. It's a hand-dyed experience, but not really much of a club per se, as you receive only yarn.
Would I join again? Once is enough.
Yarntini Sock Club from Pure Knits
Reason for joining: Yarntini
Pros: Yarntini
Cons: I knew going into this one that the high price tag was problematical - at this cost my expectations were decidedly high - but I went ahead and did it anyway. And, upon receiving my first package, I'm kinda sorry I did .
Personal thoughts: I feel like such a grouch, as other friends are really happy with their packages. But honestly, I feel gypped. Though the color coordinated package looks nice altogether, the colorway is a total snore compared to (most of) Jessie's other colorways. The accompanying stitch markers are cheap. My Misocrafty bag came with a dirty brown smear on it. (what's up with that? especially since there wasn't chocolate in the box...ewww) I was hoping for a hip and trendy unique pattern or two (Cookie!), and instead got a four-year old book I already have. See, grouchy and grossed out over unknown stainage.
Would I join again? Unless the two remaining installments make up for it in a big way, nope.
Seasonal Sock Club from the Loopy Ewe
Reason for joining: Sheri rocks
Pros: Great yarn, great swag - score!
Cons: None
Personal thoughts: I received my first package today, and it made me jump up and down in glee. Fun summery theme? Check. Cool yarn? Sock weight All Things Heather in superwash merino/bamboo/nylon in a kicky colorway. Check. Swag? An awesome Loopy Ewe project tote, a unique sock pattern from Wildhorse Farm Designs, a bar of lemon scented soap from the Soap Plantation shaped like a sheep (baaaa), a silly poem and some lemonade (Kool-Aid hee) and Hershey's Kisses. Check. All in all great fun, and I'm looking forward to my fall package already.
Would I join again? In a red hot second.
A Sock for All Seasons Yarn Club from Yarn Tree
Cost: $250 for six installments ($42/installment)
Reason for joining: Amazing dyers on the roster
Personal thoughts: This club doesn't start until October, but I'm salivating already over the hand-dyers they have lined up: Cheryl Schaefer from Schaefer Yarn; Darlene Hayes from Hand Jive; Nancy Finn from Chasing Rainbows; Lori Lawson from Capistrano Fibert Arts; and Katey Plymesser from Thirteen Mile Lamb and Wool Co. Amazing, eh? AND registration is open until June 15th, if you care to join, too! You, me, Sockie...what could be better?
Thanks for the reviews. I looked at the Yarntini club, based on Sknitty's comments, and I immediately thought that $58 per was way too high! Plus, however nice Lucy Neatby's book is, it's not new, or even very current. Other swag, not so much either. The Rockin' club now, that's pretty nifty. And then there's Sundara's, about which I keep thinking....
Brown stain... ewww, gross. I completely forgot about the Yarntini sock club, so when I got the package, I was pretty durned excited. But i could see how and why you aren't. Sundara's... I would jump on that one in a minute!
Wow! That's all I can say here - yummy yarn! But the brown stain...?
Yikes! Madge Doll, I knew you were a yarn-a-holic. I didn't realize you were a sock-a-holic too1!
Yeah, you'd better get crackin' with the double-points, Missy so we can see some results.
Also, maybe you should start one of those "Help me pay for my sock yarn charity columns" on the side-column of your blog! LOL
How cool is this? I love that you've done all the work for me here.
That is a lot of sock yarn, girl, you are going to be one mean-sock-knitting-wild-kind-of-woman.
I've been thinking about how this is the year of the sock club too. Someone asked me when I was going to start one.
Mmmm...not yet.
Very interesting reading! I can absolutely see where you were disappointed in the Pureknits package, especially the stain business. I would request a new one! I never thought about it, but you're post made me realize that I liked the Yarntini because it was more subdued, but it you were exepcting something she more ordinarily does, this would be a letdown. I also was surprised by the book selection. I can see the point, as it is aimed at patterned sock yarn and the Yarntini was self-striping, but More Sensational Knitted Socks or something snazzier and newer would have been a better choice. I didn't happen to have that book and it contains some of Neatby's tricks, so for me it was handy, but many would be likely own that book, if they even wanted it. Your post also made me realize I "let/make" myself be excited over whatever I get, because I "let" myself join a club without knowing what I'm getting. Like I wouldn't admit it if I didn't like it. The brain is weird.
OMG, look at you and the sock clubs, girl! See, aren't socks (sock yarns) addicting?
Five sock clubs?!
Damn girlfriend are you cer-azy?
Look forward to seeing the fruits of this ambitious endeavour.
Hope the sinus is treating you better, and thank you for asking after the wee Scout..she's back to her old self now (apart from a huge shaved bald rectangle that is).
AWESOME review, thanks for the honest heads up on some popular sock clubs. STR is my very first club so I have little to compare to. This review will help me in the future. Did you contact someone about the yucky brown stain? Perhaps you can get a replacement.
Reasons 1-5....check. However, I've only joined one sock club to date. Sundara's, which I'm very excited about. My first package will come in June. I might consider the STR club next time around. And I thought the Yartini package looked fun....bummer about the brown stain. Try to request another one. And if you don't really want it, I'll buy it from you (sans the stain). I hope the next two packages make up for the first. I'm still considering the Sock For All Seasons Club. Thanks for a great review!
Great Reviews
With all those sock yarn clubs, have you finished your first pair of socks yet? *giggle*
Oh BTW, it's all your fault I just joined the Yarn Tree Sock club, just saying.
oooh, this was a very informative post! mr. YP and i are trying to figure out how to make the most awesome sock club ever. see, my own personal feeling is if i joined a sock club i'd just want the special yarn. i don't care about all that other stuff. except for the chocolate. i'd love to pick your brain a little more about this, since you seem to know a thing or 5 about sock clubs ;)! oh, and the YP club will be called "club booty"
Would you be interested in selling your Yarntini sock club installment? I would be very interested in buying it from you if you are so inclined. Also, I really love your review of the Loopy Ewe Sock Club. Very helpful...I had not seen the price on that one before anywhere.
aaaahhh thanks for the review, since I'm starting my first tvyarn sock club I"ll take your comments under advisement
I'm looking forward to the challenge of delighting sock maniacs everywhere by hosting a great club
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