Or, if you're me, you knit it up. You sew in the ends. You wash and block it. Then you realize you didn't pin out the sleeves to any sort of measurement at all, and have to reblock them. Then you start to sew it together, but you're using some woolen tapestry thread (a great tip I learned from Patty for making less bulky seams), and you realize that with this uber chunky yarn the thread just pops out between the stitches and looks horrible. So you rip it out and resew the seams with the superchunk. Then you realize that what you really want to be doing is working on the Flower Basket shawl you started last night, and the button bands and collar can wait until tomorrow. And those ends? Next week, probably.
* Mary, I'm right there with you.
What a grumpy you are! ;) The sweater looks adorable. I'm guessing you'll be working on flower basket when I see you tomorrow?
Oh my gosh, I *so* hear you! I'm always dreading this whole finishing thing as I know too how long it takes me - and it never works the way I expect it to, I'll always have to give the whole finishing process several tries - and mind you, I'm still never satisfied when I'm done... ;(
That's why the idea of such a top-down-raglan like I'm knitting at the moment is very appealing to me - no seaming, no nothing. If it'd just work out a bit better...
But hey, your sweater looks absolutely fantastic - and all the time you spent with finishing really, really paid off - you did an amazing job!
That happens to me too! I think I'm ALMOST done and then the finishing stuff takes forever!
I still haven't sewn up the nephew's hoodie! I have to get myself in a certain mood to do the finishing and I feel like I have to have a lot of time. Weird. I guess I like to get in done in one sitting if I can.
The sweater looks great! Your niece is going to love it!
No Zen koan, how about a haiku?
Red, pink and polka dot
Superchunk yarn, my needles fly.
A sweater for Meg.
Fumble fingers
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