It's been a crazy week. Highlights:
+ Temps in the low to mid 100s. Wicked hotness, especially for all the furry critters. At night I've been leaving water out for the skunks and possums, in addition to keeping a close eye on our outdoor cats Fiend and Archie. (I know. Varmints. Can you say soft hearted? I'm the walking dictionary of it.) So far we're all okay, but whew, it's been hot. Especially since...
+ On Sunday, our a/c died. Tom MacGyvered it after 24 hours of 90+ degrees in the house, but we're looking at replacing it. Our internet service has also been intermittent, but seems to be back now that temps have cooled somewhat. (Today it's only 90! Whee! Break out the sweaters!)
+ Fiend was in another fight which left his head an infected mess, prompting a trip to the emergency vet at 9 pm on Monday night. For being such an ornery cuss, he's amazingly docile when at the vet; he's also taking his liquid antibiotic like a champ, and his head is healing well. Poor little guy.
So. Kinda intense for a holiday weekend. But hey, there's knitting to be done, right? Too bad I don't have much to show you. But look! Over there! Is that a sock yarn club kit I see?!

Why yes, it is. This is the first installment of the Yarn Tree's
A Sock for All Seasons Yarn Club. And while my photos are decidedly lo-fi, the club is anything but! Our first yarn is Schaefer Anne in this groovy autumnal colorway. Also included is this reversible project bag, a sock pattern designed by Rachel DeNys named Falling Lace Sock, as well as Yarn Tree's Basic Sock Pattern, a handmade Brittany cable needle, a how-to DVD and a brief history of Schaefer Yarn. Score!

Local knitsters
Jillian and
Jerry are also in this club, and Jillian has a nice write up about the club
As for knitting, my stealth project is finished, though it still needs to be blocked. It qualifies as my first FO for Single Skein September. Speaking of SSS -
Liz has started SSS groups on Ravelry and
Flickr, and it'd be great if you joined us in using up those odd balls in your stash.

For my second SSS project, today I cast on the first of my
Campfire Socks. Each will use a skein of Artyarns Ultramerino 8, so I'm hoping they qualify. I also want to knit some hats, but have to hit the LYS for some needles first. (Out of all the needles I have, how can I not have a US 8 16" circ? It's vexing.) And Fetchings. Would you believe I've never made a pair? About time, isn't it? I love fingerless gloves, and have two balls of black Cashmerino Aran earmarked. Not sure if I'll get to all these small projects, but they're certainly the perfect hot weather knitting!